A major Texas Internet provider is down at the moment. This is causing a cascade effect on other carriers services.

UPDATE: 7/9/24 @1:30PM MST

It looks like things are coming back up and functioning as they are expected to do. There may be some temporary residual effects but we expect these to clear up on their own. My thanks to the crews at Spectrum in Texas and whomever else may have been out on the repairs. Next time you're in Phoenix, stop by the office and I'll buy you a cup of coffee. Two, even.

Original Post

For Phoenix Hosting & VoIP customers, you may experience slow response times, may not be able to reach websites you are looking for and may not be able to send or receive email. For our VoIP phone customers, this means your phone service may be down entirely, you may experience sound related issues (muddy, static, dropped words). The most notable issues we have seen so far apart from the sound issues are dropped calls and garbled voice mail messages.

We are monitoring the situation in Texas and expect all services to function normally on our end once the crews there get everything back up and running.

For reference: https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/spectrum-reports-outages-across-texas/


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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